Is RelaxTax actually just the pure software manufacturer of the app?
RelaxTax Fact Check

Understandably, new digital business models raise questions among consumers, especially when they are related to a very sensitive topic - namely taxes and tax equalization in connection with the tax office. A healthy portion of skepticism is added to the questions. We would like to share our opinion and perspective with you all here in our blog.

Is RelaxTax actually just the pure software manufacturer of the app?

Or does RelaxTax pass on my data and information to a tax consultant or via service contracts?

The answer to that is pretty simple. We are not just a software manufacturer, but an accounting company, recognized by the WKÖ. Accountants are a profession similar to tax consultants, but with less scope. In order to get a professional license as an accountant according to the BibuG2014, you need years of professional experience and the completion of specialist examinations (accountant and personnel accountant). So you can see that we primarily offer a service for all aspects of wage tax, with the necessary specialist knowledge and everything from a single source - precisely because we are an accounting company, we can also submit your tax equalization to the tax office for you. Our unique app should help you as a user to intuitively find out your possible tax benefits without confusing yourself with complicated technical jargon and that you can do your tax equalization anytime and anywhere. So you can be sure that you get a service from a single source!


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