Automatic Tax Return vs. using RelaxTax App
Benefits of RelaxTax

Application-free employee assessment (AANV) vs. tax equalization with RelaxTax

Should you be content with that, let yourself be fobbed off, or take the scepter in your own hands and become active? In the second half of the year, the tax office automatically starts an examination of millions of employees in Austria and checks the possibility of AANV. The tax office receives some information via various channels, such as the annual wage slip or whether you have made donations or paid a church contribution. They also make assumptions that you no longer have any further tax exemptions or deductions. On this basis, if a tax credit is calculated, the tax office will automatically send you a tax assessment with a calculated credit. Basically, this is a nice service from the tax office, especially for low earners or recipients of minimum pensions. The tax laws offer a variety of tax benefits. However, the tax office only knows a very small fraction of this via the data exchange and this serves as the basis for the AANV explained above. The tax office cannot know most of the tax exemptions or deductions. The situation of each individual employee is individual, can differ from year to year and can also change. Depending on the circumstances, you have the opportunity to benefit from tax breaks IF you apply for them accordingly - namely in the form of a tax equalization and applied for correctly! For example, how should the tax office know that

  • - I did professional training last year and paid for it myself?

  • - I am a member of the trade union of my professional group?

  • - I commute to work every day?

  • - I have bought professionally relevant specialist literature?

  • - I bought work equipment for my work myself?

  • - I changed jobs and now belong to a professional group for which there are special flat-rate income-related expenses?

  • - I have high costs for dentures and other medical expenses?

  • - I have celiac disease and have additional costs for special meals?

  • - I suffer from a physical or mental disability?

  • - I have children and would like to apply for the FamilienBonusPlus?

  • - I became the sole breadwinner or single parent?

  • - do I pay child support?

  • - and much more ...

Based on the small number of these examples, one can see that tax benefits result from both professional and private circumstances, which can also change. The tax office can therefore not take all of this into account in the AANV. But what if I have already received a notice/credit from an AANV but still have other deduction options - can I still apply for them? YES, of course you can - by actively submitting a tax equalization yourself! The RelaxTax experts therefore recommend that you take matters into your own hands. Our app offers a convenient and reliable way to do the tax equalization quickly. Use the help of your virtual tax buddy and also our technical and professional expertise. Simply download our app and off you go!

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  • Schnellster Steuerausgleich mittels elektronischer Übermittlung an das Finanzamt
  • Produktpreise können sich ohne Benachrichtigung jederzeit ändern
  • Die finale Berechnung und Beurteilung über Steuerguthaben oder -nachforderungen erfolgt ausschließlich durch das zuständige Finanzamt und wird mittels rechtsgültigen Einkommensteuerbescheid festgestellt


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