How much income tax you actually pay is up to you!
We could now list the entire range of tax laws etc. - but we are more interested in simply explaining taxes.
Stephan and Lars both come from Germany and will be working in Austria “on a seasonal basis” for the first time from December 1, 2023. Both earn the same, namely €2,800 gross per month.
With the help of RelaxTax, Stephan applies for a personal tax number at the Austrian tax office and submits his tax settlement with RelaxTax. He then receives €574 in income tax back from the tax office. He thinks cool, now I got €1,997 net in December wages and then an additional €574 as a tax credit from the tax office - more net than gross!
Lars doesn't do anything - so his €574 remains with the tax office.
Do you prefer being Stephan or do you prefer being like Lars?
Stephan, as a good colleague, then tells all his colleagues about RelaxTax!
Some colleagues have always been on season for the last 5 years - on the RelaxTax website they find out that they can do their taxes retroactively for 5 years!
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