Tax refund of more than € 2.000,00 for the year 2020
The Real-Life-Example-Series from RelaxTax

We will not bother you with complicated tax law, directive as this may only cause additional confusion. Instead, we will show you some real-life examples of our customers and outline, why a tax refund has been received.

Mrs Z moved from Graz to Vienna in September 2020. Main purpose for this was a new job in a large industrial company. She went to from Graz to Vienna 3 times for the job interviews. Finding a nice flat in Vienna was difficult, so she engaged an real estate agent and paid a fee when the agent found a flat for her. Further she engaged a firm for transportation of her furniture form Graz to Vienna.

Mrs Z heard about RelaxTax und sent an E-Mail to the customer service, asking if any of this expense are deductible for tax purposes? Indeed, there are good grounds because the principal purpose to move to Vienna was the job. Train tickets, real estate agent fee, costs for furniture transportation are tax deductible under these circumstances.

So in June 2021 she did her tax return with RelaxTax, because it was easy to do via the Smartphone. Some days later she received a letter form the tax office to proof the expense with proper receipts and invoices, which she did by sending copies to the tax office. A few days later she got the tax assessment letter stating a refund of € 2.361,00.

But why is that? Tax deductible expenses require a context to your job from which you gain taxable income – either so find a new job or to secure a current job. In Mrs X case its pretty obvious, because her job back in Graz was very uncertain at this time. Therefore such expenses qualify for tax deductibility.

Conclusion: If she would not have filed a tax return by applying the deductions properly, she would never have had the tax benefit created by this type of expenses.

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