Your annual fee is € 36.00 ...
RelaxTax Fact Check

Understandably, new digital business models raise questions among consumers, especially when they are related to a very sensitive topic - namely taxes and tax equalization in connection with the tax office. A healthy portion of skepticism is added to the questions. We would like to share our opinion and perspective with you all here in our blog.

Your annual fee is € 36.00 ...

... do you then charge a success commission of x-% on the amount that I would receive as refund?

The answer to that is pretty simple. No - we would never charge a contingency fee on your tax credit. It would go against our principles that we would take a commission from your (tax) money. This is your money that you get from the tax office. As mentioned, we offer a service so that you can get your tax credit the right way. In addition, you can also deduct our fee from the tax in the following year in the next tax adjustment - precisely because we are an accounting company recognized by the WKÖ and do not just provide an app/software.


RelaxTax Logo


  • Schnellster Steuerausgleich mittels elektronischer Übermittlung an das Finanzamt
  • Produktpreise können sich ohne Benachrichtigung jederzeit ändern
  • Die finale Berechnung und Beurteilung über Steuerguthaben oder -nachforderungen erfolgt ausschließlich durch das zuständige Finanzamt und wird mittels rechtsgültigen Einkommensteuerbescheid festgestellt


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